Change and Growth: Learning to Thrive, Not Just Survive

Like a flower, it doesn’t matter how much sun is shining on you if you’re not facing in the right direction. What do you need in order to thrive?

Source: Change and Growth: Learning to Thrive, Not Just Survive

Beyond the talk of how to care for orchids (…which was very helpful btw!) is a lovely section about self compassion and how acceptance of who we are and why we are the way we are is key to thriving in life.

I’d wholeheartedly agree. Knowing is one thing but actually making the changes that allow you to grow and thrive is what most people at my psychotherapy practice in Wilmslow and Cheadle want to discover.

As you learn to identify your core values and align your life towards them it’s like you turned toward the light. I have seen many people reach a place of contentment through small shifts and changes that bring their life more in-line with their personal core values.

Get in touch and I’ll show you how you can be more present in your life.

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