Finding and Keeping Love Imago Workshop

Ever wondered what it's like being in a relationship with you?

Presented by Joanna Groves  (UKCP reg. Psychotherapist, Certified Transactional Analyst (EATA), Certified Imago Relationship Therapist (IRI) and Imago Workshop Presenter) and Ian Tomlinson (UKCP reg. Psychotherapist, Faculty Associate Imago Relationships International and Certified Imago Workshop Presenter)

Why come on this workshop?

Whether you’re in a relationship or preparing to be in one, an Imago Finding and Keeping Love workshop is recommended as an incredible voyage of self-discovery.

Through Imago you'll uncover relationship patterns that are not working for you and learn about how to make new relationships more successful. It's the right workshop for you if you are an individual seeking personal growth, and want to improve your communication and relationship skills.

The workshop was created for people who

  • want to be in a healthy, lasting relationship
  • want to learn how to be a better partner 
  • are interested in looking at how they get in their own way when trying to meet people
  • want to be even better parents and look at how to create the right foundations for children to thrive
  • are therapists, counsellors and coaches and who want to learn more about Imago Relationship Therapy whilst doing their own personal growth work
  • want to come on the workshop but have a partner who wouldn't do something like this in a million years!

About the workshop

Throughout the weekend workshop you can expect to gain:

  • A deeper understanding of how you re-create the past in present relationships
  • Processes for letting go of old hurts and old ways of being in relationships
  • New relationship skills for better communication and connection
  • A Personal Growth Plan based on your new insights
  • An opportunity to meet new people on a similar journey

This workshop is great fun, relaxed and insightful. It includes group work, individual work, lectures and discussion. You will not be asked to share anything you’re not comfortable with, this is an educational workshop and not therapy.

This workshop is...about having better connected, joyful relationships with people in your life, which may include a partner/potential partner. Single or in relationship, this workshop is open to all.

This workshop is not...a guide about "how to meet a partner", rather it will help you look at what gets in the way if you want to be in relationship.

Based on the critically acclaimed book Keeping the Love You Find: Guide for Singles by Harville Hendrix.

Where, When and How Much?

These are the only Finding and Keeping Love workshops regularly running outside of London and as such are in high demand.  Please book early to avoid disappointment.

All workshops take place in The Affinity Centre Cheadle, SK8 1AX

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th July 2024

The workshop costs £300 per person.