Grief & Gratitude Tending

Respectfully let go of what's holding you back


Come join a small group of like-minded people who are interested to explore and deepen their relationship with loss and grief. This space is ideal for those who are curious about grief tending and want to learn more. 

Grief & Gratitude Tending are seasonal gatherings held over either one or two days. Hosted at The Affinity Centre in Cheadle, South Manchester. We also make use of a beautiful park and woodland nearby, connecting within nature as a natural, soothing space.

In modern times, people face all kinds of grief both personal and collective. Learning to grieve well can deepen your authenticity and aspirations.

In sorrow and loss there is also light, gratitude, and joyful aliveness. Grief is best supported in community with others, even though this may be unfamiliar territory for some.

In cultures that value individualism, experiences of grief and loss can be isolating. At times when you most need connection, you may find yourself alone.

Grief rituals enrich our everyday experiences of love and loss in a culturally appropriate way.

Want to know more? Great! Click here for more information...

Since I took the workshop I am more aware of emotions rising in my body and allow them to come up. Now I can recognise and express whatever is there, and not worry what the cause is. I cry for a few minutes and then let it go instead of feeling out of sorts & unsettled. 

I don't like crying, it's uncomfortable. But after taking this workshop I seem to be more in touch with the uncomfortable feelings and I feel better after I let some of that tension get released. 

I spent a wonderful and moving day on the Grief Therapy workshop. This safe and welcoming environment really helped me to get in touch with my emotions about recent family losses, and also surprisingly losses from years ago . I came away feeling lighter and more in touch with my feelings rather than hiding from the sadness. It has lightened the load enormously and feels like I have honoured those that have passed now.

I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to process any form of grief - whether around death, life’s transitions as we get older, separation and divorce, children growing up...

Loved the singing! 

I learned I don't need to be alone in my grief. 

Since entering my menopause I'd noticed lots of changes and wanted to do some work around this, and to say goodbye to a year with lots of challenges. I had an amazing day. I left feeling lighter, brighter and with a sense of calm.  In fact, I slept so well that night and woke refreshed and focussed.  That feeling has stayed with me, realigned in my thoughts with a clear mind and just an enormous sense of wellbeing.

I loved the powerful female energy and how safe the environment felt to just go with the day, no matter what it brought up. 

I would recommend that all women do this, we take on so much in our lives. It was great to focus on me for the day and get clarity on so many things. I acknowledged my feelings, made sense of so much, and cleansed my mind of debris from old wounds & thoughts that no longer serve me.

The workshop is a caring and gentle way to look after yourself and release those pent up emotions that you may be silently holding onto. Thanks Joanna and Mary for a very insightful and weirdly enjoyable day x

Sign up here

To book your place, fill in the form below.  Your place is reserved once you've paid a deposit or in full.

Events are held four times a year. Email me for future dates or to register your interest.

Two bursary places are available at a reduced fee at each gathering. It's also possible to pay in installments. Please email me for more information.

NB. The outdoor workshops are run by my dear friend, colleague, and fellow apprentice to grief, Mary Dees. Check out her website for full details.

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One Day Workshop

EMAIL FOR CANCELATIONS Venue: The Affinity Centre, Cheadle. TIMES: 9am - 5pm *Equivalent to 6 therapy / CPD hours
Price: £ 150.00
Venue: The Affinity Centre, Cheadle. TIMES: 9am - 5pm *Equivalent to 6 therapy / CPD hours

Two Day Workshop

Price: £ 260.00
Venue: The Affinity Centre, Cheadle. TIMES: Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm Sunday 9.30am - 4.30pm *Equivalent to 12 therapy / CPD hours
Price: £ 260.00
Venue: The Affinity Centre, Cheadle. TIMES: Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm Sunday 9.30am - 4.30pm *Equivalent to 12 therapy / CPD hours
By clicking this box you understand that you will be paying the full fee for the event. You agree that 50% of this payment is non-refundable and that the full amount is non-refundable 28 days before the start of the event.*
By clicking this box you understand that it will not be possible to postpone your place or be transferred to a new date if you cannot attend for any reason.*