Resilience Is About How You Recharge, Not How You Endure

Try really hard, and then stop, recover, and repeat…

Source: Resilience Is About How You Recharge, Not How You Endure


The tide is turning. Or so I believe anyhow.

People are far more willing to voice their health concerns and worries for themselves and others, over the outdated belief that we humans should endure. Rest, recharge, mindful and mindless activities, connection, and play are making their way back on to the life-list for some.

There are still many people who come to see me at my practice in Cheadle, Cheshire who hold on to the thoughts that they “should” be stronger minded, more organised, less bothered, thicker skinned…you’ll be familiar with those phrases no doubt.

In Transactional Analysis we consider our individual Drivers. What drives a person to think, feel and behave in a particular way, often resulting in an oh-so-familiar repeated pattern that kinda gets us nowhere?

PAUSE. When you think about it, we humans aren’t really made to be on the go 24/7. We’re not really made to endure for long periods of time.

What I like about this article is the emphasis that when we’re not ‘working’ (whatever work is to you), we’re often…well…errr…working. Outside of my working day, I do domestic tasks, life-lists, reading and planning for work, clearing emails, admin I don’t get time for, training courses. I work ‘on’ my business instead of ‘in’ my business.

These days I’m making a conscious effort to rest and recharge. I love having a digital detox and have a silent-day (…or even a few hours) whenever I can. What will you do to truly recharge?